Thursday, January 1, 2009

Confessions of a Facebook Addict!

What do I do the first thing I get to the office?

I switch on the computer and get on facebook! Like OMG, am I that pathetic?

What is the first site I go to once I open up Mozilla? Facebook of course..

What do I do on Facebook? What does one do on Facebook for hours a day?

LOL... It's sad isn't it, when the high points of my day would be having notifications on Facebook!

So, quick note to self for 2009: Don't Facebook!!

Luckily I'm not one of those person who actually take pictures of themselves and post them (if this is somewhat offending, I'm sorry--siapa yg mkn cili dia yg trasa pedas!).

More new yera resolutions... Do I have any? Oh yeah, I want to be those super skinny Kate Moss model type, but I love food too much to actually get there! Oh well, and I'm too cheap to go spend money on a new wardrobe! 2009, here I come!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think I addicted to Facebook oso =S I check my fb first when I fire up my browser...yikes!

But I don't usually spend more than a few minutes (unless there are loads of pictures to browse, which comes to another bad habit...=P)

I started my detox with removing almost all "apps"

but i still cannot stop from picture-surfing ahahaha

I guess im actually a picture freak what to do with that?