Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Now, now.. Watch ur mouth!"

"Puk*mak miak tok, canne kau boleh hilang!" This is one of the few sentences I remember as a child walking at Pasar Minggu, a mother scolding her own child in front of a group of ppl.

WORD CHOICE: puk*mak, why would u swear on your own pussy or how do u name it?

But to think on this issue again, why is such word a bad word? Word like S.H.I.T, F.U.C.K, cibai, lanchau, puki, etc... I mean, they don't mean bad things, or do they?

So what qualifies as a swear word? S.H.I.T means "ship high in transit" (but refers to of course shit/dung), F.U.C.K stands for "for unlawful carnal knowledge", cibai, lanchau, puki is a reference towards human's private parts. What's so bad with these words? Why are these words "blocked out" on Malaysian tv for example? Why?? Maybe because they were taboo "back then"?

Well, I don't use swear words on a freuqent basis, so that's a good start right.

My opinion on this? I don't think it's bad, maybe just inappropriate. You wouldn't want your kids to say all those things now do u?

So as I use to say to friends who do swear "now, now.. Watch ur mouth!"


Anonymous said...

pa sik update2 tok ida... hehe...

abcdefghida said...

Well.. kehidupan saya sekarang amat monotonous. Sikda benda happening bah!

Unknown said...

I think you shud write something about us! your collegues...hehe..or maybe your daily work life or your trip to Bali...etc...
btw, great job Ida!