Thursday, May 29, 2008

Insecurities on Moving...

I like where I live now. I love my neighbors, the neighborhood and it's proximity to:

1. Airport (5 mins)
2. Express Boat Terminal (20 mins)
3. Bus Terminal (5 mins)
4. The Spring (5 mins)
5. UNIMAS (in events mumsie calls her personal driver to pick her up from work)

and all other good stuff.. My family travels a lot or if not, my relatives come for a visit frequently and I love those visits. This house does need more ppl in it *hint hint*. Thing is, my parents are building a new house at least 30 mins away. There's 3 ways to get there (since there's a river that separates the North & South of Kuching).

1. Satok bridge (& traffic!)
2. Barrage (longer route)
3. New Toll Bridge (aiyo, matilah kene bayar)

And so far from those areas I'm so familiar with i.e. comfort zone.

I've live the last 12 years in this current house, within a Chinese community. I don't remember what it was like living in a Malay community! Yes, I do go balik kampung and cherish those authentic Malay/Melanau community but never more than 2 weeks!

Why am I so afraid? What has got me so skeptical that living in a Malay area is gonna be that bad? I'll tell you why...

The new house is being built as we speak. Belum apa-apa, came these people asking for "protection money"! And the contractor I guess did so they won't burn down the worker's hut or sth. And every night, there's at least someone as the lookout because ppl tend to steal steel!! I asked if it was common that ppl would ask for this sort of protection $$$ and according to the contractor this only happens in the PJ (Kuching Utara) area, which is dominantly a Bumi community. No offense ppl... I myself am a Bumi, 100% pulak tu so shame on me (too)?

This is maybe just a preview of what to come.. But.. I've heard stories about break-ins, daylight robberies etc and I got scared. There's 2 stories that happened for real (undoubtly true). And we
won't have any neighbors till maybe another 2 years to at least feel some security (in numbers maybe? ahaha)

Not long after my friend moved into their new house, her brother's 4 tires (and rims) got stolen of his car. What was left was the car on bricks and planks. And the tires were maybe 2 weeks old!! And it was probably his first car and first set of tires! If that was me.. I'll be heartbroken! And their washing machine was stolen too!

This girl (I went to college with) just got home maybe late evening or night. They have one of those automatic gate and as soon as she got out of her car (inside her house compound!) came ppl with knives and ugut her for money and valuables! I actually forgot the rest of the story.. Ahaah, but I was trying to share that nowhere is safe now.

But despite all this, the new house does have its strong points. It's close to the surau so senang nak dengar azan, solat jemaah and such. It's also closer to my relatives. The house is also mostly catered to my parents' wants and needs... and so called their "dream house". So I guess if they're happy, I should be too! Need to invest in really reliable security system then..


mohad said...

panjang juga citer tu..

abcdefghida said...

Uhukss.. Apa boleh buat!

mohad said...

salam...saya sudah link blog ini dalam blog saya..

mohad said...
